Kobciye Community Welfare

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Who We Are

Who We Are

Kobciye Community Welfare is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the well-being of individuals and families. Our organization was founded by a group of passionate individuals who recognized the need for community-based welfare programs.

Since then, we have been working tirelessly to create safe and supportive environments for individuals and families to thrive. At Kobciye Community Welfare, we believe that everyone deserves access to basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare. 

We work towards this goal by providing a range of services, including humanitarian relief, food assistance, vocational rehabilitation of the disabled, and socio-economic development.

We also believe in the importance of education and skill-building for long-term success. That’s why we offer job training programs, financial literacy classes, and educational workshops to help individuals and families achieve self-sufficiency.

Our organization is made up of a team of dedicated staff members and volunteers who are committed to making a positive impact in the community. We are proud of the work we do and the difference we make in the lives of those we serve.

Our Mission

The mission of Kobciye Community Welfare is to uplift the lives of disadvantaged communities in Somalia by providing education, healthcare, and economic opportunities, and to promote sustainable development through community-driven initiatives.

Our Vision

We envision a society where vulnerable and marginalized groups are empowered to overcome poverty, hunger, and inequality, and where the principles of human dignity, respect, and solidarity are upheld. We strive to be a leading non-profit organization that inspires positive change and cultivates a culture of compassion, innovation, and excellence in everything we do."

Our Core Values


We strive to understand and share the feelings of our community members


We are committed to being accountable and transparent in our actions and decisions


We believe in inclusivity and work towards creating a community where everyone feels valued


We embrace innovation and continuously seek new and creative ways to grow


We foster a collaborative approach to community welfare by working with other teams


We treat everyone with respect, dignity, and compassion recognizing the value

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